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Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Our patients ask us interesting questions every day, and we are always more than happy to answer them! Below, you will find answers to some of the most common ones. If you happen to have a question that we haven’t covered here, no worries, just give us a call! We are always ready to talk to you and make sure you completely understand your care options.

We recommend coming in for regular preventive appointments at least every six months. Some people may need to come in more often depending on their needs, but for most, two each year is ideal for preventing tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, and more.

Yes we do! We are ready to take care of every member of your family under one roof, including its youngest members! We can provide your child with important cavity prevention, monitor their oral development, and help educate them about the basics of dental care.

This all depends on a few factors, such as your dental health, how many teeth you need replaced, and your budget. While we offer a number of excellent restorative options, all of our doctors agree that dental implants are the most complete tooth replacement available today. They are the only treatment that rebuilds both parts of a tooth to create something that is virtually identical to nature.

Yes! Everything we offer actually has some aesthetic benefit, but to give your smile that extra shine, we have a selection of cosmetic services. With these services, we can whiten your teeth, close gaps, fix chips and cracks, and even give you a complete smile makeover in just a few appointments.

Not anymore! With Invisalign, we can use a series of clear plastic aligner trays to straighten your teeth in a way that won’t affect your daily appearance. This is the perfect treatment for today’s working adult who is concerned about their professional image.

Yes, and we will also file the claim on your behalf to make it nice and easy to get the most out of your coverage. To learn how we can use your particular plan to help you save, contact us today.

Yes! We accept payment plans from CareCredit. With them, you can qualify for a low-to-no interest plan that will break up the cost of your care in whatever way best fits your family’s budget. Look over their different plans and apply for one by clicking on the link on our New Patients page.

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